Good day,

    PFA copy of refund ].  I have e-transferred you the funds and the password is yamaha.
    Terry Mertz
    Parker Marine Companies
    PH. 250-334-4808

    by "Terry Mertz" <bio@litnet.co.za> - 11:10 - 11 Sep 2024

    Good day,

    Attached is a copy of your refund.  I have e-transferred you the funds and the password is yamaha.
    Terry Mertz
    Parker Marine Companies
    PH. 250-334-4808

    by "Terry Mertz" <LNSPayments@ar.landnsea.com> - 09:08 - 10 Sep 2024
  • Docs Confirmation

    Good day!

    We have attached documents for your checking.

    Tomorrow, we will proceed with the regularization.

    Pls check and get back to us.

    Mr : Mouhoubi  Khellaf


    Mail : mouhoubi.khellaf@transvn.com

    Tel mobile : 0560 34 92 80

    by "Khellaf" <mouhoubi.khellaf@transvn.com> - 12:37 - 10 Sep 2024
  • Achtung
    Achtung Begünstigter,


    Herzlichen Glückwunsch vom Entschädigungsausschuss der Organisation der Vereinten Nationen (UNOCB) in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Internationalen Währungsfonds (IWF) und der Weltbankgruppe, da die Summe von achthunderttausend US-Dollar (800.000,00 USD) zur Auszahlung an Sie als Entschädigung für Cyberkriminalität und vor allem zur Reduzierung der Armut in der Welt im Rahmen des laufenden Entschädigungsprogramms der Vereinten Nationen, der Weltbank und des Internationalen Währungsfonds (IWF) genehmigt und freigegeben wurde.

    Lassen Sie sich benachrichtigen, dass Ihre E-Mail-ID per Zufallsprinzip als einer der fünfundzwanzig (25) glücklichen Begünstigten ausgewählt wurde, die vom World Wide Web/Internet-Dienstanbieter über ein elektronisches Abstimmungssystem gezogen wurden, das für diese Zahlung genehmigt wurde.

    Daher möchten wir Sie darüber informieren, dass vom Entschädigungsausschuss der Vereinten Nationen (UNOCB), der Weltbankgruppe und dem Internationalen Währungsfonds (IWF) eine unwiderrufliche Zahlungsgarantie für Ihre Zahlung ausgestellt wurde und der gesamte Entschädigungsfonds zu Ihren Gunsten genehmigt wurde.

    Wir empfehlen Ihnen hiermit, DR. Mike Alex, den Leiter des Ausschusses des Entschädigungsprogramms Ora Bank plc West Ecowas, per E-Mail (orabankgroupplc267@gmail.com) mit den folgenden Informationen zu kontaktieren:-

    Eine Kopie des Personalausweises oder Reisepasses:-

    HINWEIS: Wir empfehlen Ihnen, DR. Mike Alex Ihre korrekten und gültigen Daten unverzüglich und ohne weitere Verzögerungen per E-Mail an seine E-Mail-Adresse

    (orabankgroupplc267@gmail.com) zu übermitteln, damit wir diese Zahlung effektiv überwachen können.
    Mit freundlichen Grüßen
    Frau Kristalina Georgieva, geschäftsführende Generaldirektorin des IWF und der Organisation der Vereinten Nationen.

    by "james obi" <obij2654@gmail.com> - 07:19 - 3 Sep 2024
  • Waiting For You!
    Dear Sir,

    Our NON-BANK lenders are looking to get their capital in the hands of great investors like you.  They have money to fund any volum of project and are ready & waiting to connect with high-intent borrowers like you.

    Contact us today for any type of assistantance for your project.

    Best Regards,
    Mr. Bennett Bonaventura.

    by "Mr. Bennett Bonaventura" <ventas@jlz-logistica.com> - 02:32 - 30 Aug 2024
  • Waiting For You!
    Dear Sir,

    Our NON-BANK lenders are looking to get their capital in the hands of great investors like you.  They have money to fund any volum of project and are ready & waiting to connect with high-intent borrowers like you.

    Contact us today for any type of assistantance for your project.

    Best Regards,
    Mr. Bennett Bonaventura.

    by "Mr. Bennett Bonaventura" <ventas@jlz-logistica.com> - 12:31 - 29 Aug 2024
  • Waiting For You!
    Dear Sir,

    Our NON-BANK lenders are looking to get their capital in the hands of great investors like you.  They have money to fund any volum of project and are ready & waiting to connect with high-intent borrowers like you.

    Contact us today for any type of assistantance for your project.

    Best Regards,
    Mr. Bennett Bonaventura.

    by "Mr. Bennett Bonaventura" <ventas@jlz-logistica.com> - 11:23 - 27 Aug 2024
  • Greetings
    For Your Deposit of Two Million Dollars Only 

    Greetings My Dear Friend,
    From the information we gathered through the international monetary fund IMF network security agencies,
    in collaboration with the international monitoring fund committee USA.

    We discovered your outstanding foreign transaction in the total amount of Two Million Dollars ($2,000,000.00) with the Global Network Bank USA. But pending approval due to your inability to meet up with their tax clearance and charges attached, for obtaining an international fund releasing permit, including IMF Insurance Certificate to enable you access for transferring the money to your bank account.
    On this note, I'm bringing to your hearing that my office will help you to receive the money successfully in your country within 30 days a month, before the documents concerning your transaction should be finally submitted to the budgetary office.

    After this process, you have to compensate me with 20% of the money you received. Meanwhile, this is a business deal between me and you, and no other person should be aware of it except the Bank insider who is responsible for the activation of the ATM debit card, that should be linked to the account, and shipped to your postal address in the country, including your 4 digits PIN which enable you access to withdraw your money comfortably in your location through self service.

    My efforts are to make sure that you receive your money successfully in your country, by using an activated ATM debit card for self service. We need to proceed in doing the needful as soon as urgent before your money would be considered to be demurrage. But I will hide every document concerning your deposit of
    ($2,000,000.00) from the main office, otherwise the money will be legally considered as an abandoned deposit if exceeded to the awaiting limit. 

    I look forward to your reply in the near future, before I contact the bank insider who will help to activate the ATM debit card, which allows you to withdraw the whole money immediately using your ATM debit card with 4 digits secret PIN.

    Your Sincerely
    From The Clearance Department.

    by "DEPARTMENT/TREASURY ON FOREIGN ASSET CONTROL" <michealndidiamaka@gmail.com> - 04:28 - 14 Aug 2024
  • Declaration
    For Your Deposit of Two Million Dollars Only 

    Greetings My Dear Friend,
    From the information we gathered through the international monetary fund IMF network security agencies,
    in collaboration with the international monitoring fund committee USA.

    We discovered your outstanding foreign transaction in the total amount of Two Million Dollars ($2,000,000.00) with the Global Network Bank USA. But pending approval due to your inability to meet up with their tax clearance and charges attached, for obtaining an international fund releasing permit, including IMF Insurance Certificate to enable you access for transferring the money to your bank account.
    On this note, I'm bringing to your hearing that my office will help you to receive the money successfully in your country within 30 days a month, before the documents concerning your transaction should be finally submitted to the budgetary office.

    After this process, you have to compensate me with 20% of the money you received. Meanwhile, this is a business deal between me and you, and no other person should be aware of it except the Bank insider who is responsible for the activation of the ATM debit card, that should be linked to the account, and shipped to your postal address in the country, including your 4 digits PIN which enable you access to withdraw your money comfortably in your location through self service.

    My efforts are to make sure that you receive your money successfully in your country, by using an activated ATM debit card for self service. We need to proceed in doing the needful as soon as urgent before your money would be considered to be demurrage. But I will hide every document concerning your deposit of
    ($2,000,000.00) from the main office, otherwise the money will be legally considered as an abandoned deposit if exceeded to the awaiting limit. 

    I look forward to your reply in the near future, before I contact the bank insider who will help to activate the ATM debit card, which allows you to withdraw the whole money immediately using your ATM debit card with 4 digits secret PIN.

    Your Sincerely
    From The Clearance Department.

    by "DEPARTMENT/TREASURY ON FOREIGN ASSET CONTROL" <akuchinyelunwata@gmail.com> - 04:21 - 14 Aug 2024
  • Urgent Reply
    For Your Deposit of Two Million Dollars Only 

    Greetings My Dear Friend,
    From the information we gathered through the international monetary fund IMF network security agencies,
    in collaboration with the international monitoring fund committee USA.

    We discovered your outstanding foreign transaction in the total amount of Two Million Dollars ($2,000,000.00) with the Global Network Bank USA. But pending approval due to your inability to meet up with their tax clearance and charges attached, for obtaining an international fund releasing permit, including IMF Insurance Certificate to enable you access for transferring the money to your bank account.
    On this note, I'm bringing to your hearing that my office will help you to receive the money successfully in your country within 30 days a month, before the documents concerning your transaction should be finally submitted to the budgetary office.

    After this process, you have to compensate me with 20% of the money you received. Meanwhile, this is a business deal between me and you, and no other person should be aware of it except the Bank insider who is responsible for the activation of the ATM debit card, that should be linked to the account, and shipped to your postal address in the country, including your 4 digits PIN which enable you access to withdraw your money comfortably in your location through self service.

    My efforts are to make sure that you receive your money successfully in your country, by using an activated ATM debit card for self service. We need to proceed in doing the needful as soon as urgent before your money would be considered to be demurrage. But I will hide every document concerning your deposit of
    ($2,000,000.00) from the main office, otherwise the money will be legally considered as an abandoned deposit if exceeded to the awaiting limit. 

    I look forward to your reply in the near future, before I contact the bank insider who will help to activate the ATM debit card, which allows you to withdraw the whole money immediately using your ATM debit card with 4 digits secret PIN.

    Your Sincerely
    From The Clearance Department.

    by "DEPARTMENT/TREASURY ON FOREIGN ASSET CONTROL" <godwinezennia@gmail.com> - 04:15 - 14 Aug 2024
  • Eis Finanzéierungskriterien
    Léif Här,

    Fannt w.e.g. ënnert eis Finanzéierungskriterien:

    Mir bidden 100% Finanzéierung entweder Scholden oder Eegekapital oder Kombinatioun weltwäit - $ 5M a méi héich.

    Finanzéierung baséiert op Stäerkt vum Projet net LTV oder LTC. Mir finanzéieren an den Energie, Technologie, Biergbau, Immobilien a Business Secteuren.

    Et ass eist Zil Iech eng séier, transparent a berufflech Erfahrung ze bidden zesumme mam effizientesten Service fir Äre Projet ze finanzéieren.

    Mir bidden 100% vun der Kapital Demande vum Prêt a Form vu Scholden, Eegekapital oder enger Kombinatioun.

    Mir kënnen e Moratorium op Bezuelungen ubidden bis de Projet stabiliséiert a Cash fléisst wann d'Timeline fir d'Stabiliséierung raisonnabel ass.

    (Bestëmmung vu Fall zu Fall awer normalerweis mat engem Minimum Period vun 36 Méint)

    Mir brauche e géigesäitege Accord / NDA ofgeschloss, ausgefouert an zréckginn vun alle Parteien zum Projet.

    Zousätzlech, wa mir de Secteur vun der Finanzéierungsufro kennen, dh Energie, Technologie, Biergbau, Immobilien oder Business

    Mir kënne Froen ubidden déi am Detail musse beäntwert ginn an zréckginn fir Risikofaktoren ze bewäerten an eisen Interessi ze bestëmmen.

    Mir si voll transparent a liwweren all Informatioun fir Iech eng intelligent Entscheedung ze treffen fir Geschäfter mat eis ze maachen.

    Wann de Projet Verdéngschter mat staarken Haapt huet, e ganz gudde Plang, a Kapital fir de Projet z'ënnerstëtzen bis d'Finanzéierung kënne mir Iech duerch eis intern Ënnerschrëft fir d'Finanzéierung kréien. Minimum Prêt Betrag ass $ 5M USD bis maximal $ 200M USD.

    Maacht weg datt eis initial Bewäertung baséiert op den Dokumenter déi Dir ubitt.

    Dir sidd dofir ugeroden esou vill ënnerstëtzend Dokumentatioun wéi méiglech ze schécken fir eis et méiglech ze maachen eng fristgerecht Entscheedung iwwer Är Ufro z'erreechen.

    Mat frëndleche Gréiss,

    Woo Youngcheol / Chef vun der internationaler Entwécklung an Operatiounen

    Williams Graham_ Consultant fir Blueline Financial Service
    130 Old Street London - England EC1V 9BD London, UK
    Geregelt vun der Investment Regulatioun Autoritéit.
    Dës E-Mail kann vertraulech an/oder privilegiéiert Informatioun enthalen.
    Wann Dir et am Feeler kritt hutt, sot w.e.g. de Sender sou séier wéi méiglech.
    Wann Dir mat der Firma vun onverschlësselte Email kommunizéieren, mir dovun ausgoen, datt Dir sidd
    bewosst vun de potenzielle Risiken fir d'Vertraulechkeet, an datt Dir eis Äntwert averstanen
    per onverschlësselte E-Mail.

    Williams Graham

    by "BLUE LINE FINANCIAL SERVICE" <justicewoodcb56@gmail.com> - 08:03 - 9 Aug 2024

  • --

    My Dear Beloved,


    My name is Mrs. GRACE LAWRENCE, I am a French citizen residing in the US and I was married to Mr. PAUL LAWRENCE consulting engineer and a French nationality residing in the US specifically for 9 years and he died following an accident. I am considering making a donation of property from my husband because I'm sick and my doctor told me that I cannot survive longer. My husband has the sum of seven million five hundred thousand ($7,500,000.00) he kept in the US (CALIFORNIA) for a project. I will be rigged to give you this money that will help you in your projects and to help the orphanages, windows etc., please accept this because it is a donation without asking anything in return. Contact me ASAP at lawgrace123@outlook.com if you agree to my offer; please answer me so that I can give you more details.



    by "grace laurent" <gracelaurent13@gmail.com> - 08:41 - 7 Aug 2024
  • Grand Piano.,

    I hope you are doing well.
    I am looking to give away my late husband's Yamaha baby grand piano to a passionate instrument lover,
    so let me know if you will take it or have someone caring for it.
    Deborah Steve

    by "Deborah Steve" <conceicaolacerda@ipmjp.pb.gov.br> - 12:53 - 28 Jul 2024
    Opgepasst Léif Benotzer/E-Mail-Besëtzer!

    Dës E-Mail Notifikatioun kënnt direkt un Iech vum Haaptbüro vun de Vereenten Natiounen, Mir wëllen Iech heibäi iwwer ganz wichteg Informatioun informéieren, déi vu grousser Hëllef wäert sinn fir sécherzestellen datt Är Famill Legacy zu Ärem Gonschten restauréiert gëtt. Éischtens, Merci un d'Vereenten Natiounen fir dës Interventioun iwwer déi extensiv Razzia (Verhaftungen) op Internet Scammers Wéinst dem héijen Taux vu Reklamatiounen, déi mir vun de Vereenten Natiounen (UN) um Niveau vun Scam Artisten / Fraudsters kréien. Dir hutt Gléck genuch fir ee vun den Empfänger vun de Bezuelungen vun de Vereenten Natiounen (UN) ze sinn, Dir kritt e Gesamtfong vun $2,000.000

    Är Donnéeë goufe vun enger vun de verhafte Gewerkschaften als ee vun den Affer vun den Operatiounen zitéiert. Dir sidd gewarnt fir hinnen dëse Message net aus iergendengem Grond ze kommunizéieren oder ze duplizéieren, well eisen U.S.A Geheimdéngscht Agent schonn op Spuer vun den anere Krimineller ass. .

    Gitt sécher datt dëst keen Betrug oder en Trick ass an et wäert ni sinn wéi Dir denkt. D'Vereenten Natiounen (UN) representéieren Gutt an net Béis oder Bedruch, awer mir sti géint si a schaffen sou haart fir d'Betrüger a Scammeren ze bekämpfen an ze stoppen, déi haut a Syndikater ronderëm d'Welt operéieren.

    Gitt net Angscht datt Dir kee Verbriechen engagéiert hutt oder kee Gesetz gebrach hutt, awer Är E-Mail ass zu de gléckleche E-Mailadressen, déi dëst Joer vum UNO Kompensatiounshaus fir Scam Affer Alarmer an dësen treie Zeienaussoen kompenséiert ginn.

    Wéi och ëmmer, Dir sollt frou sinn datt Dir op d'mannst gemierkt hutt wéi vill Dir an der Vergaangenheet u Scammers / Betrüger ausginn hutt, also hei drënner ass d'Informatioun déi mir dréngend brauchen fir de Prozess unzefänken an dréngend d'Bezuelung vun $2.000.000 Iech direkt erliichteren;

    Mir garantéieren 100% datt de ganze Kompensatiounsfong bannent 3 Deeg no mir Är Fongen op Äre Kont kreditéiert ginn.

    Mir hunn d'Webster Bank Of the United States (US) kontaktéiert fir Är Kompensatiounsfongen iwwer Bank zu Bank Transfert ze veraarbecht. D'Suen ginn direkt op Äre Kont transferéiert.

    Den Numm vum Regisseur………John R Ciulla
    Telefonsnummer……… +1 (562) 482-9861
    Bestätegt elo Är Bankkontodetailer hei ënnen.

    1. Numm vun der Bank ...................................
    2. Är Bankadress ..............................
    3. Swift Code. ............................................
    4. Kont Zuel. ........................................
    5. Numm vum Empfänger ..........................
    6. Ären Telefon. .....................................................................
    7. Äert Land ...................................................
    8. Är Identitéitskaart ...................................
    9. Äre Beruff ...........................................

    Kontaktéiert Är Veraarbechtungsbank elo a schéckt hinnen Är komplett Bankkontodetailer fir datt se Är Transaktioun fäerdeg bréngen wéi mir uginn hunn.

    Bescht Gréiss
    Här Antonio Guterres
    Generalsekretär vun de Vereenten Natiounen (UN)

    by "Ranymond David" <davidranymond@gmail.com> - 06:00 - 27 Jul 2024
  • Hi please reply back,
    Greet to you,

    I want to donate toward education and the less privilege;

    I will need your service to handle this project.i will give
    you more details once you accept this offer.

    Mrs.Jenna Morgan.

    by "Jenna Morgan" <jennemorgan22@gmail.com> - 11:03 - 22 Jul 2024
    United Nations Human Settlement and Compensation Programme,
    Capacity Building and Improving the Performance of Humanitarian self support.

    Attention Beneficiary,

    We wish to notify you about the release of your outstanding payment which is truly 2,500,000.00 Million Dollars,
    The United Nation Secretary General scheduled a time frame to settle all foreign debts which includes,

    Humanitarian self support donation, Contract/Inheritance/Lottery (Sponsored by Microsoft and Shell Petroleum Lottery) and other international loans, Your Name was among the people to receive 2,500,000.00 Million Dollars, Compensation winning award by United Nations,

    We have successfully Converted this total amount into an ATM-Card in your name, And it has been approved and deposited to ADL-Express for immediate delivery to you and we agreed that the delivery of your 2.500,000.00 Million USD ATM-Card Package will take off tomorrow morning,

    The information of the ADL-Express Delivery Company is below

    Dr. Patrick Mupenda
    From ADL-Express Delivery Company
    Email: adl-expresscoco@protonmail.com
    Email: adl.express@yahoo.com
    Tel: +229-643-201-81

    You will contact with your full info where your ATM-card will be delivered to

    Your Full Name:
    Your Address:
    Country of origin:
    Your Direct Phone Numbers:
    YOUR Identification Card/Driver's License:

    Urgent get back to us today with your full address where your ATM-Card will be delivered to you because I will not be in the office next week;
    The amount in your ATM-Card is US$ 2.500, 000.00 Million and your Pin code is-(8776)

    Best Regards,
    Mr. Douglas Green
    United Nation Head Quarter Dept Reconciliation Committee

    by "United Nations Compensation" <victorgift4real@gmail.com> - 05:14 - 21 Jul 2024
  • Re: La banque ( www.axa.fr ) vous offre un prêt rapide en 24h
    Pas besoin de vous déplacer La banque AXA Assurance ( www.axa.fr ) vous propose son assistance prêt rapide en 24h - prêt personnel - prêt immobilier - achat voiture - prêt projet - prêt vacances - entre 5000 à 1,000,000 Euro à un taux d'intérêt très bas de 3% la durée de remboursement varie de 1 an à 25 ans, selon le montant du prêt. Si vous êtes intéressé, merci d'indiquer le montant que vous souhaitez emprunter (.......... €) et la durée de remboursement (..........) pour toutes vos demandes de prêt veuillez contacter un de nos conseillers financiers au ;"Bank AXA" <  axa-bnk@financier.com  >


    by "robert Duras Cottet" <durasparis@hotmail.fr> - 10:57 - 6 Jul 2024
  • EEntschädigung per Geldautomatenkarte?


    Haben Sie meine E-Mail bezüglich der Lieferung Ihrer Entschädigungs-Geldautomatenkarte erhalten?
    Wir stellen Ihnen Ihr Entschädigungs-Bankomatkartenguthaben in Höhe von zwei Millionen zur Verfügung. Bitte kontaktieren Sie mich so schnell wie möglich: mp19849474404746484@gmail.com, um Ihre Bankomat-Kreditkarte zu erhalten.

    Warten Sie auf Ihre dringende Antwort

    Maria Petterson
    Es ist sehr wichtig, die unten stehende E-Mail-Adresse zu kontaktieren
    E-mail: mp19849474404746484@gmail.com

    (PT) Esta mensagem da Defensoria Pública da União pode conter informação confidencial ou privilegiada, sendo seu sigilo protegido por lei. Se Vossa Senhoria não for o destinatário, ou a pessoa autorizada a receber esta mensagem, não deverá usar, copiar ou divulgar as informações nela contida, ou tomar qualquer ação baseada em seu conteúdo. Caso tenha recebido esta mensagem por engano, por favor, avise imediatamente ao remetente, respondendo ao email e em seguida apague-a. Agradecemos sua cooperação.

    (EN) This message from the Federal Office of Public Defense, may contain confidential or privileged information, and its confidentiality is protected by law. If you are not the addressee or the authorized person to receive this message, you must not use it, copy it, disclose it or take any action based on it or any information herein. If you have received this message by mistake, please advise the sender immediately by replying the e-mail and then deleting it. Thank you for your cooperation.

    by "DPU.ADM.ARAPIRACA" <dpu.adm.arapiraca@dpu.def.br> - 06:35 - 28 Jun 2024
  • Business Proposal maple_knoll@qualix-sa1.odoo.com 3:18 PM

    Business Proposal maple_knoll@qualix-sa1.odoo.com 3:18 PM


    I would like to share a business proposal with you.



    by "Matthew R" <consumidor@chubut.gov.ar> - 07:38 - 24 Jun 2024
    PO Box 251
    WD18 9BR, United Kingdom.
    Congratulation! Email User,
    My name is Mrs. Barbara Johnson and on the behalf of EUROPEAN LOTTERY OF
    Your email address emerged alongside 9 others as a 2nd category winner
    in this year's EUROPEAN LOTTO Draw. Consequently, you have
    therefore been approved for a total payout of £870,000.00 UK Pounds
    particulars are attached to your lotto payment order:
    (i) Winning numbers: 09-13-33-36-44 (BONUS NUMBERS: 04 & 07)
    (ii) Email Ticket Number: GB73600GKA.
    (iii) Lotto Code Number: UK432468BC.
    (iv) File Ref Number: LU7100875UK.
    Please contact the under listed claims officer with the email address
    below as soon as possible for the immediate release of your winnings:
    All correspondence must be sent to this email address below:
    Claims Department.
    Contact: Mr. Andrew Peterson.
    PHONE: +447940288463
    Yours In Service,
    Mrs. Barbara Johnson.
    Online Coordinator.

    by "Riccardo Bassi - Abaco Professional" <R.Bassi@abacoprofessional.com> - 06:14 - 24 Jun 2024